Welcome to the website of I-WEST 2021!  
Proceedings '11 / '12 / '13 / '14 / '15 / '16 / '17 / '18 / '19, Photos '11 / '12 / '13 / '14 / '15 / '16 / '17 / '18 / '19

Following four successful editions of I-WEST - the Int. Workshop on Enterprise Systems and Technology, namely Enschede'08, Sofia'09, and Athens'10, we are pleased to announce I-WEST 2021.

I-WEST is a leading international forum that brings together researchers and practitioners interested in Enterprise Information Systems. Particular areas of interest are: (i) Enterprise Modeling foundations of EIS; (ii) EIS and Software Specification; (iii) EIS and Data Analytics; (iv) Context-Aware EIS; (v) Robustness and Resilience of EIS; (vi) EIS and Disruptive Events; (vii) Regulations and EIS; (viii) Public Values and EIS. Each year, a special theme is chosen, for making presentations and discussions more focused. The I-WEST'21 theme is:


The international Program Committee of I-WEST 2021 is soliciting contributions of technical papers that relate to the mentioned areas (elaborated in the Call for Papers). We turn to you, addressing you with a sincere invitation to attend I-WEST 2021, visiting the beautiful city of Sofia.

Boris Shishkov, Jose Cordeiro, Alexander Verbraeck,
Co-Chairs of I-WEST 2021

The proceedings of BMSD 2020 will be published by Springer-Verlag in a LNBIP Series book.
All BMSD proceedings are indexed by SCOPUS.
The BMSD'20 proceedings will be indexed by DBLP.

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